Όργή στις ΗΠΑ έχει προκαλέσει η άφιξη των ρωσικών πυραύλων S-400 στην Τουρκία. Ήδη, όπως έγινε γνωστό στην αμερικανική πρωτεύουσα η απάντηση του αμερικανικού Πενταγώνου προς την Τουρκία για το θέμα των S-400 θα δοθεί σε συνέντευξη τύπου από ανώτερους αμυντικούς αξιωματούχους του Πενταγώνου.
Σύγκεκριμένα τις δηλώσεις θα κάνουν η υφυπουργός Άμυνας Έλεν Λορντ και ο αναπληρωτής υφυπουργός Άμυνας αρμόδιος για θέματα πολιτικής Ντέιβιντ Τράχτενμπεργκ.
Στο μεταξύ, ο Μαρκ Έσπερ, που ασκεί χρέη υπουργού Άμυνας των ΗΠΑ, δήλωσε ότι «η Ουάσιγκτον δεν έχει αλλάξει τη στάση της όσον αφορά τη συμμετοχή της Τουρκίας στο πρόγραμμα παραγωγής των μαχητικών F-35, εφόσον η Άγκυρα παραλάβει το ρωσικό αντιπυραυλικό σύστημα S-400».
Ο κ. Έσπερ πρόσθεσε ότι θα μιλήσει αργότερα, σήμερα, με τον Τούρκο ομόλογό του για το θέμα των S-400 και των F-35.
Οι Τούρκοι, σε μία άκρως προπαγανδιστική κίνηση, έδωσαν στη δημοσιότητα εντυπωσιακά βίντεο και φωτογραφίες από την άφιξη του προηγμένου ρωσικού αμυντικού πυραυλικού συστήματος S-400.
— T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) July 12, 2019
A Russian transport aircraft, carrying military vehicles and equipment, parts of the S-400 air defense systems, is seen at Murted military airport in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, July 12, 2019. The first shipment of a Russian missile defense system has arrived in Turkey, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Friday, moving the country closer to possible U.S. sanctions and a new standoff with Washington. The U.S. has strongly urged NATO member Turkey to pull back from the deal, warning the country that it will face economic sanctions. (Turkish Defence Ministry via AP, Pool)Military vehicles and equipment, parts of the S-400 air defense systems, are seen on the tarmac, after they were unloaded from a Russian transport aircraft, at Murted military airport in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, July 12, 2019. The first shipment of a Russian missile defense system has arrived in Turkey, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Friday, moving the country closer to possible U.S. sanctions and a new standoff with Washington. The U.S. has strongly urged NATO member Turkey to pull back from the deal, warning the country that it will face economic sanctions. (Turkish Defence Ministry via AP, Pool)Military vehicles and equipment, parts of the S-400 air defense systems, are unloaded from a Russian transport aircraft, at Murted military airport in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, July 12, 2019. The first shipment of a Russian missile defense system has arrived in Turkey, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Friday, moving the country closer to possible U.S. sanctions and a new standoff with Washington. The U.S. has strongly urged NATO member Turkey to pull back from the deal, warning the country that it will face economic sanctions. (Turkish Defence Ministry via AP, Pool)Military vehicles and equipment, parts of the S-400 air defense systems, are unloaded from a Russian transport aircraft, at Murted military airport in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, July 12, 2019. The first shipment of a Russian missile defense system has arrived in Turkey, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Friday, moving the country closer to possible U.S. sanctions and a new standoff with Washington. The U.S. has strongly urged NATO member Turkey to pull back from the deal, warning the country that it will face economic sanctions. (Turkish Defence Ministry via AP, Pool)
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